College costs can make obtaining an education challenging. These lower-priced private loan options can help you succeed financially in college and after graduation. Review all details about these options online.
The suite of Partnership Loans were created to help undergraduate and graduate students pay for college. These loans are taken out in the student’s name.
Cosigners are often needed for the national Partnership Advance Education Loan®. With this loan, students choose the option that is best for their financial situation.
Additional no-cosigner loan options exist for undergraduate and graduate students attending Iowa colleges or universities.
And borrowers and cosigners can benefit during repayment with:
The fixed-rate College Family Loan® is a national loan for parents, family members and others to borrow on behalf of a college student.
In addition:
Please be aware that, for this loan, the student is neither the borrower nor cosigner, but loan proceeds are sent to the college for the benefit of the student.
The fixed-rate Reset Refinance Loan® is an option for borrowers with current student loan debt who are looking for:
There are a number of options for these refinance loans based on the borrower’s situation. But all options allow borrowers to refinance one loan or combine multiple loans, including federal loans (for student or parent borrowers), private education loans and previously refinanced or consolidated education loans, into one new private loan.
For Partnership Loan or College Family Loan questions, call (844) 268-2203.
For questions about the Reset Loan, call (844) 268-2202.