Understand the various ways fraudsters try to obtain your personal and debit card information. The more you know, the more you can stay one step ahead of fraud.
Phishing’s a scam in which fraudsters pose as legitimate businesses to trick you into divulging your social security number, account numbers, passwords or other sensitive personal information.
Hiding behind the anonymity of emails and phone calls, the fraudsters pretend to be reputable financial institutions, credit card companies, online service providers, retailers, etc. They’ll try and convince you there’s an immediate need to update your financial information.
Steps to take:
Follow these simple steps to keep your debit card and financial accounts safer.
Be vigilant at ATMs. If something seems suspicious, contact us immediately.
When shopping online, be aware of ways to avoid undue risk and keep your personal information free from fraud.
If you suspect identify theft or fraud, contact us immediately so we can help!
You know that tiny chip that was added to your debit card a few years ago? That little chip has helped reduce fraud due to counterfeit cards by 70% in just two years. But, many ATMs and fuel pumps haven’t converted to the chip technology yet making them prime targets for fraudsters who want to steal your info.
Keep yourself and your card data protected while you’re at the ATM or fuel pump with these simple STEPS:
Here are some additional pieces of information that will help keep you safe:
Prior to inserting your card:
* https://www.cutimes.com/2018/08/10/reducing-the-impact-of-fraud-with-emv-fallback-str/?slreturn=20180721163754